Well what I do to stay cool around the guy I like is basically act like you don't like him just chat to him if you are near him dont be to enthusiast about it otherwise you will scare him off try to avoid his friends if you are talking to him because a guys mates can always tell when a girl likes his mate so when they notice they will make really embarrassing comments about you liking him if you do attract his friends if they make rude comments just walk away to your friends
Feeling weird around someone you like is normal and common. It can be due to nerves, excitement, or fear of saying or doing the wrong thing. Remember that it's okay to feel this way, and try to relax and be yourself around the person.
If a guy is trying to be cool, he might boast about his accomplishments, brag about material possessions, or seek attention from others. He may also try to impress people by name-dropping or showing off. Watch for behavior that seems exaggerated or insincere.
There are various reasons why some girls may stay with rude guys, including low self-esteem, fear of being alone, hope that the person will change, or emotional manipulation from the rude guy. It's important for individuals to prioritize their own mental and emotional well-being in any relationship.
In 5th grade, a guy may exhibit playful teasing or glance at you frequently if he likes you but is trying to hide it. He may also act differently around you compared to other classmates, such as being shy or nervous. Pay attention to subtle cues like these to gauge if he likes you.
Guy teenagers can stay on-trend by incorporating streetwear styles such as graphic tees, hoodies, and sneakers into their wardrobes. Layering pieces like flannel shirts or bomber jackets can add a cool and versatile touch to their outfits. Accessorizing with baseball caps or beanies can also elevate their look.
talk to the guy, don't be shy!
yes stay cool when nobody's around go to him don't lose you confident
Stay cool and walk away. Respect yourself and forget him. if he says no, dont take it too personally.
Just stay cool
to be honest be cool around her be nice even if your not the best looking guy being a nice guy is a real plus
well im a girl and recently a guy liked me and i didnt like him so if she dosent like you then stay out of her face, dont keep looking at her if she can see you, this just creeps us out, and dont act like a dick around her so be cool. but if she likes you then just go and talk to her and say hi or something, smile at her, but not obsessively, and again just be cool goodluck ;)
Stay away from him
Join Sports. Most 'Popular' guys are jocks... Or just act cool around them. Don't be weird and like; stalk them >.> Just be like, Mr. Cool Guy Man.
If he says thanks for bein cool, you probably don't want to go out with him. Just wait for another guy to come around.
They are different around everybody. Around their guy friends they act cool if their friend acts cool. They are themselves only if the other person is being themself because they won't feel silly. Boys don't have much of their own personality. They like to copy whoever they are near so they won't look unique or different. They look at it as looking like an idiot if they dont act like other people. Also, a guy will like that girl and want the girl to like the guy.
To get this guy to like you, you must act calm and cool around. Example: When around him, Flick your hair, Drop your bag and pick it up, those sort of things. Good Luck!
When you are around him, dont try to impress, or be all cool. Just act like you would with a best friend. Cause if he dont like you for who you truly are, then he wont like you.