There is nothing you can do. You claim to love him, but you cheated--he isn't going to believe a word you say & he rightfully shouldn't. He can't trust you, YOU CHEATED. There's nothing you can do but wait it out. Time will fix it; let your boyfriend heal.
Personally, I wouldn't trust him as you can't rely on him.
Talk to him, honestly this time.
Look, if you cheated, the trust will not be above an 80% point for years. A relationship really has to have good foundations to keep going if one has cheated. If there is no cheating, then trust shouldn't be a factor and he is being silly. I would say cheating can be considered hanging out with another guy/gal without purposefully communicating it to your partner.
This is just my opinion, but I dont think I would be able to trust again.
Either drop him or make him wear a condom you never know what you might pick up.
You either have low self-esteem or he has cheated on you and you don't trust him.
If you really love & trust him then yes, it's more romantic when you're in a long distant relationship. You can have fun with it.
I would suggest you really stop and think...Why do you want to stay? If your boyfriend was truly for you, and you were in love, you would never have cheated or lied. Please stop wasting your time and his time. I don't mean to be harsh, but grow up girl, and be a woman. Leave him alone and move on. You will find your true love in time. By staying and begging for trust, you look desperate, and he will never respect you.
Act as if you had not--hopefully he is in on the 'game.' Really, you need to straighten up the situation and just be with the one guy. Don't cheat; it goes nowhere and is hurtful to your significant other because of the break in loyalty and trust.
All you can do is tell him that you are sincerely sorry, and will never do it again. The rest is up to him to decide if he can trust you again. Give him that right because he deserves it after what you did.