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srry but you cant shorten your peroid.Its a natural thing that happens for mostly every women in america.If you dont have your peroid then you wont be able to have children.But dont worry most peroids last between 3-7 days.If you have cramps try eating bannanas or drinking alot of water.I didnt have no pain when having my peroid so maybe youll be lucky.And when you have your peroid your actually becoming a young lady which is called menstruation.

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Q: How can you shorten your period naturally?
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How can you shorten your menstrual period naturally beside using the pill?

There is no way to shorten your menstrual period, certainly not naturally. For the record the pill doesn't shorten your menstrual period either, it works by stopping your menstrual cycles all together so you don't ovulate and thus don't menstruate - the bleeding women get on the pill isn't menstruation but a withdrawal bleed, it can be shorter but it is a totally different function.

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lemons work niniggas

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Can you shorten your period?

There is no safe way to shorten your period and it is something that just has to be allowed to run its course. If you are on the 21 day birth control pill, although not recommended, starting your next pack of pills before your 7 pill free days are up, might cause your period to end a little early.

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If you shorten the length of the string of a pendulum, the frequency of the pendulum will increase. This is because the period of a pendulum is directly proportional to the square root of its length, so reducing the length will decrease the period and increase the frequency.

Im going to my boyfriends on Monday and I just got my period Thursday night is there a way to shorten it?

Exercise will help getting it to flow more . that should shorten it good luck sweetie :]

Can you shorten your period by taking the pill earlier than you're supposed to during the time of your period?

Hi, Its best to take your pills as directed by your Doctor.

How to shorten your menstrual cycle?

some birth control pills give you a shorter period.

How can you get your period without taking birth control?

Your period will come naturally. Birth control does not help you get your period. Your body decides when you will get your period.

What can you eat to get your first period?

Nothing. It comes naturally.