Buy the January software upgrade ($19.99) from apple then touch the background when the song is playing mine only works on 1 song
Yes, but only if you have updated to v1.1.3 and installed the $20 software update. Click on the album cover in portrait mode to view the lyrics.
You can go on iTunes with your ipod touch and you can put on the same songs that were on your nano that is how i did mine though Yes, you can. You can use iPod 2 iPod, it can help you transfer song from iPod Nano to your iPod touch.
when you find a song on itunes that you want add lyrics to do the following. 1. right click on the song 2. select get info 3. click the lyrics tab 4. Paste and or type lyrics 5. sync your ipod Then when you listen to the song on your ipod push the middle button until the lyrics come up
I have the new Ipod touch (4th gen) and I searched for Tunee Music and it came up with nothing, so no, I don't think it is available for the Ipod Touch
Rip the music files to your computer and then sync the ipod to it via itunes
You can get lyrics online with your iPod touch but only if you have Wifi.
If you have an iPod with click wheel i.e. iPod Classic, iPod Nano, 5G iPod and such all you have to do is start playing a song, then in the now playing screen press the center button until you see the lyrics. If you have the iPod touch however simply play a song and on the now playing screen touch the center screen and the lyrics show up.
No it cannot.
Go to the songs on your iPod, right-click, click "Get Info," go to the lyrics tab, paste or type the lyrics in there, click "OK," and boom! Your iPod has lyrics. To view the lyrics on your iPod, go the the song and click the center button until you see the lyrics.
you plug in your iPod and go to the music section under your iPod's name. Then Right click on the song you want to put lyrics on and click get info. there will be a lyrics tab. click on it and you can type in the lyrics. you can also copy and paste the lyrics off of this
An ipod hud is this ipod touch but not as good,But its pretty much the same as a ipod touch You may not be able to see this picture
View the Related Link below to see what a touch screen iPod (the iPod Touch) looks like.
Yes,you select a song from your iTunes library and click on 'Get Info',then go to 'Lyrics' and write or paste in the lyrics for the song and click 'Save'.When you put the song on your iPod touch,just tap on the screen where the album art is when listening to the song and the lyrics will come up. Hope this helped :)
If you have iTunes, Click on your song of choice, then right click then it will say "Get Info" click that then there will be menus on the top.. Click "Lyrics" Then type The Lyrics there.. :)
No, you cannot visibly see the speakers. The speakers are set internally in the hardware of the iPod.
The software updates for the iPod Touch are free (See links below).