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Simply tell them that they are obese and that they need to go on a BIG diet. They will understand. Tell them that "Obesity is a huge problem in our Nation, you are apart of it. So if you want to stop messing up the world lose the fat."


This is not easy to do without hurting the feeling of the person you are telling. My advice is to leave it alone. They already know.

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Q: How can you say a person is a fat person?
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Is a fat person really fat?

It depends on your point of view. Lets say there are 3 people the thin the average and the fat the thin person would view the average &amp; fat person obese the average person would view people heavier then he/she is as fat and the fat would view itself and people higher as fat. It really depends a point of view. Typically when people say "Oh she is extremely fat!" it typically means very obese in everyones view But if a thin person is talking to an average person and says " Oh she is extremely fat!" the average might assume its an obese person while the thin will view it as an average or an obese

What to say to skinny people if they call you fat?

if someone calls you fat and if that person is skinny then just say, "i may be fat, but atleast im not as fat as the ugliness on you face" :P

How do you tell if you are fat?

well if i am fat i will say that i m a healthy person and God has gifted as such a beautiful things to eat and to enjoy.So,why we should not eat food and not should not be a healthy and fat person

What are the chanses a girl will say yes on a date with a fat boy?

The changes that a girl will say yes to a fat guy on a date depends on the average girl. If you are a nice person and you actually like the person you will say yes and not look at the weight.

What do you say when a fat person asks you out?

it depends if you like like them if you do say yes if you don't try and let them down easy the fact that there fat is irrelevant.

What type of person is most likely to be bullied?

a nerd or a very fat person my friends say that a bully told them

How do you say fat in french?

grosse is how you say fat in french

How do tell yourself that you are not fat?

are you? if so say. "i'm not fat", if you are , say, "i'm not fat" there you go.

Can a fat person also be healthy?

A fat person can be healthy, yes.

How can to tell someone to stop saying you fat?

Just say, "If you are so concerned with other's weight, become a frikkin' dietician. But if not, leave me alone.". But if you are close to that person, say, "I am not fat. As long as I am a healthy weight, I am fine.". Hope this helps!

If a overweight person insults you what do you say?

Well their is 2 options ether call them fat and say "Dont know what your talking about fatty!" Or you can tell a teacher Its up to you