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Since the two mates have simultaneously cheated and lost respect and trust for each other, but still love each other then they should sit down and communicate as to why they each cheated. Something was missing in their relationship and they had not learned the rules of good communication and loving each other means you should be able to talk to each other about anything. Also, humans make mistakes and if they can learn from their mistakes then they are that much wiser and more apt to mend their relationship. Trust and respect take sometime to earn back, but if the couple love each other they will work together on their relationship.

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Q: How can you mend a relationship where both the man and woman have cheated and lost something very precious the respect and trust of their mate?
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The words relationship and respect relate. This is because in a relationship respect is needed in order to have a good and healthy relationship.

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* You should breakup with him. * Cheating is cheap and underhanded! It not only hurts your mate (they will find out eventually) but, lowers your own self respect. It's better to be honest with your mate and think of someone besides yourself! You cheated so you are not content in the relationship so have the guts to tell your mate and set him/her free! You should have done this before you cheated on him!

What if you have cheated on your girlfriend?

I don't mean to sound like a b*tch but you obviously have less disregard for your relationship with her and obviously do not respect her, my thing to do would be tell her and if she stays then it's meant to be if not, then Karma has worked it's miracle.

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Your boyfriend is ego maniacal and selfish! He cheated on his ex and she hit the bottom of the barrel along with him by cheating on him. This is not a way to resolve such problems. Your boyfriend has had things his way far too long and you have the power to control this situation. Talk to your boyfriend and communicate to him that you will not put up with cheating like his ex had to put up with it and if he continues you will end the relationship. If you don't ask for respect or show you are your own woman then you can't expect others to respect you. He isn't the only fish in the sea. You deserve better!

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Respect..Because if you respect each other there's no way the relationship will not work out.

Are you wasting time on a person that has only cheated once?

YES!!!!! They should not hav cheated in the first place. They do not respect you enough to stay loyal to ONLY you then your too good for them.

How do you be precious?

love yourself first. maintain self respect and confidence. -samishiyoru

This persons bf has cheated on her be4 and she feels tht he lies 2 her all the time she has caught him n them be4 too she don't know what to do nemore she loves him but she wants him 2 respect her?

He has already proved to her that he does NOT respect her if he has cheated on her. If your story is true. She should move on to some one who will respect her and treat her like she should be treated.

What is an example of respect for the individual?

Most aspects of a good relationship come back to the idea of respect. If you respect someone, you will be loyal and honest with them. In addition, you respect their points of view and needs in a relationship. If your significant other doesnt want you to hang out with the opposite sex alone, out of respect, you shouldn't do it. If your significant other cannot spend time with you due to other responsibilities such as a job or homework, out of respect you should understand that. If your significant other wants to do something you might not want to do, out of respect you should do it depending on the subject matter.

Would you stay with a man who cheated on you with another man?

No because why would you stay with someone who cheated on you?AnswerAbsolutely not. No way.ANSWERNo, because cheating is cheating be it man or woman. With cheating on of the most hardest parts to get over is the sense of trust that's gone then betrayel. And add on to that the fact that maybe that person was hidding his homosexuality or bisexuality from you is for me another betrayel all its on. To hide something so delicate as that, Id seriouly would not even look in that direction, too many lies, there is no respect in a realtionship like that, and when u lose respect, the relationship is a sinking ship. Good luck. SELAH!!! answer?Its natural to give them another chance initially. But if they do it again often it's the end because the person who got cheated on has had enough.