You can not *make* any girl fall in love with you, they feel what is already there.
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No, it is not easy for a girl to fall in love.
Cody Simpson should fall in love with any girl. Whether she's black, white, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, German, Italian, French, or any other race. If you like him, go for it girl!
Any thing is possable in this world. Right now.
Love does not concern itself with borders, class, or distance or ethnicity or skin colour. In other words, yes.
He can't fall in love with a human girl. Finn <3 Fire Princess!!
Okay so a girl can fall in love. Its not exactly possible for a kid in 1rst threw 3rd and under to really fall in love because they shouldn't even feel that way at that age and they haven't even hit harmones but it is possible for a girl to fall in love if that is what you meant.
I don't think it is wrong to mix races. I think you can't help who you fall in love with. Like what if you are a white girl and you fall in love with a black boy and your parents don't approve. What if that one person has everything you need and want in life but isn't the same color. You can't help who you fall in love with.
If two people truly like each other, they will fall in love. Just be yourself.
Be polite and really nice to her and maybe she'll fall in love with you.
I believe people can fall in love at any age.