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Happy face = =) or :)

Sad face = =( or :(

Mad face = >=( or >:(

Wink face = ;) ONLY!!

tong face = =p or :p

Surprised face = =o or :o

Puppy-Dog face = <=( or <:(

shark face=(^^^)

That`s all I Know! =(

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 10mo ago

You can make a happy face by using a colon for eyes and a parentheses for a mouth like this: :) To make a sad face, you can flip the parentheses down to make a frown like this: :( Other faces like winking, sticking out tongue, or surprised can be created by adding additional characters like semicolons, hyphens, or capital letters.

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press shift :+)=J

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open the chat and there is a button with a smiley face, click it and then numerous faces will pop up which you can use. you can also type face eg, :) = smiley face

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you can do &lt;3 for heart and :* :-* for kissy face

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Smiley face is :) - A Wink is ;) - Surprise is :o

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like this :( lol

How do make face in myspacecom?

:( :) X) X( :# :&gt; thay will end up to be faces

How do you make a happy face on Facebook?

you hold shift and press: this key then this key )and that's how u make a smile face

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:D ^_^ (^_^)

How can you make a happy face on the computer?

Just put a colon and a right parentheses [shift+0] If you are making a happy face, put a left parentheses [shift+9]