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You can buy them chinese, they'll really enjoy that and it will make you seem romantic

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Q: How can you make a Asian girl like you?
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You're Asian.

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you move on with your life and find another asian girl that does like you

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First off, liking the girl and she didn't show reciprocation for your affection, then you press on if you still like her but then the tricky part is she proves that she doesn't like you and wants nothing to do with you then turns gay and you still show interest, now you need to wake up and smell the coffee here. She is living her life and you are hanging on a string with no one to pull you up, you need start living your life really.

If you are a Asian and you like an American girl what do you have to do get her to like you?

There is one Asian historical doll named Ivy. She is the best friend doll of Julie Albright and they are growing up in the 70's. American Girl also have a few Just Like You Dolls that are Asian If you want the doll to look just like you try My Twin, they are very similar to American Girl dolls only the make the doll look just like you, so every doll is different. Good Luck!

What type of girl jack vidgen like?

he likes asian

Belle abuyo looks so much older than her age is she Asian?

She is asian and she looks amazing for her age. We would like to keep the eyes guessing.. But she is beautiful for her age and period point blank. Make-up or no make-up this girl is hot!!

Do Asian guys like white girls who are not blonde and not very slim?

i think -yes! I am Asian male and I like all white girl and I find very sexy as do all other Asian guys

Do Asian boys like Scandinavian girls?

Depends on the boy. Depends on the girl.

What is a minji?

an name for a Asian girl like me my name is minji so if you think asians are weird then shut your mouth an name for a Asian girl like me my name is minji so if you think asians are weird then shut your mouth

Who is that Asian girl in ludacris nasty girl video?

i need to know!

Why can't I attract Asian guys when I'm a pretty Asian girl?

everybody has different tastes some of them probally like you there just to shy

How do you make a boy not like the girl you like?

Type your answer here..make another cute girl like him then make the girl say i like you