I am sorry to disappoint you but there is no natural way to lose 50 pounds in one week.
How long it normally takes to lose 50 pounds can vary greatly from person to person. As a general rule, losing one to two pounds per week is a safe goal. If you lose two pounds per week it will take a little over six months to lose 50 pounds.
It is not possible to lose 50 pounds in one day. Even women who have just given birth, do not lose that much weight on one day. A healthy weight loss is one to two pounds per week.
It is an unrealistic expectation. It would require something like surgical intervention. You cannot lose 50 pounds of body weight in one week by natural means.
It depends on how long you want to take to lose the 50 pounds. To lose one solid pound fo weight, you must burn 3,500 more calories than you consume. That means, to lose 50 pounds, you must burn 175,000 more calories than you consume.
No, you cannot lose 50 pounds of body weight in one day.
General weight loss recommendations that are doable w/o resorting to extreme diets is 2-4 lbs/week. A heavier person can lose more initially, but 2-4 is still an good target.
you can't lose 50 pounds in 50 minuets. it's impossible and very unhealthy. yea i wish i was ok because that would be a miracle for me.
You cannot lose 50 pounds in two weeks by any natural means.
You cannot lose 50 pounds in 4 weeks by any natural means.
To permanently lose 50 pounds - it'll take you around 5-to-8 months if you go on a proper diet & exercise and the more overweight you are... The quicker you'll lose 50 pounds. For example a 300 pound person will lose 50 pounds in maybe 3-5 months because there bodies (because of excess weight) burn more calories than a person at a low weight and... It may actually take a 200 pound person 5-8 months to lose 50 pounds Exercsie is also a factor - The more intenser and longer you exercise = the faster you'll lose 50 pounds
its take min 6 month to lose 50 pounds
No, this is losing an average of 4.2 pounds a week. It is safe to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. However, the more overweight you are the easier it is to lose weight. I myself lost between 3 and 4 pounds in a week at my heaviest just by cutting 750 calories a day and adding in some light exercise. It is best to consult a doctor if you plan to lose that much weight really quickly. The risk you take in losing it too quickly is saggy skin :(