Well, first of all, holding his hand makes you warm and tingly on the inside, also the way he hugs you, the way he treats you. Any guy that loves you should be good enough. Does he look deep into your eyes and says the nicest things to you, if it makes you happy or warm, fuzzy, or tingly on the inside, you've picked the right man, and he's perfect for you.
Once you start dating, and the guy seems really interested and nice and funny to you, then you'll know ;)
If you are, right now, with the guy you are dating, then certainly that is what is meant to be, right now. Life is unfolding as it should.
There is no specific right time but when it feels right for you but its definitely better if you can ask when the two of you are alone. You will know by the answer he gives you.
You've been dating this guy for a few years now right??? You know what he likes, so have a coversation on what hobbies you guys have, or somethig similar to that.
Simple: he doesn't want you to know about his girlfriend. I wouldn't trust him, but if you know he's dating someone & you respect his relationship & his girlfriend, you should be all right.
I would tell the person you know how you feel about the person they are dating.
You will know if your guy is dating someone else because he will be less available to you. You can find out if he's cheating on you by hiring someone to follow him or by simply asking him.
"SO (name), were going out right?"
no, he is not dating anyone right know
Yes =)
you should do nothing...just be patient and wait for the right time and you will know when the right time is.
You will just know. There is no time line when to say it, you will just feel it and know its the right time to say it.