There is no foolproof way to hide marijuana from being detected in saliva, as it can typically be detected for up to 24-48 hours after use. However, some tactics people may try include using mouthwash, breath mints, or CBD products to mask the odor. It is important to note that these methods are not guaranteed to work and may not be ethical in situations where drug testing is required.
Marijuana has nicknames for a variety of reasons, including regional slang, cultural references, and attempts to hide the true nature of the substance. These nicknames often evolve over time and can vary based on the way it is consumed, its potency, or its appearance.
The major ingredient in leather is animal hide or skin, most commonly from cows. The hide undergoes a process called tanning, where it is treated with chemicals to make it more durable and flexible for various uses such as making clothing, shoes, and accessories.
Someone can try wearing gloves to avoid leaving fingerprints, or they can try covering their fingertips with tape or bandages. They could also use a substance like lotion or oil to temporarily obscure their fingerprints. Additionally, they could try carefully wiping down surfaces they have touched to remove any fingerprints left behind.
In the tanning process, oxygenation helps to promote the reaction between the tanning agents and the proteins in the animal hide, leading to the formation of stable, cross-linked molecules that give the leather its desired properties such as strength and durability. Oxygen also helps to remove any excess tanning agents and other impurities from the hide during the process.
The process of tanning leather involves a chemical change, as the protein structure of the hide is altered to make it more durable and flexible. However, the physical process of shaping and cutting the leather does not involve a chemical change.
Gee I hope not, that would suck !! Hee
Testing has proven drinking water, baking soda, and fresh or bottled lemon juice will NOT flush marijuana use out from your system and can be easily be detected in a urine sample. However it is said with the addition of eye drops to a urine sample, borderline users (Not heavy users) can alter and hide the use of marijuana because THC molecules can envelop, to effectively hide them from chemical detection.
Don't smoke it Cheeko!
......................................... in their pocket..... when u handle weed on a constant basis it becomes to much of a hassle to hide it. Out of about 20 potheads and sellers that i know id say 80% just put it in they pocket. and the other 20 would probaly be sock. The most common ways are sock and pocket and their anal orphus if being searched. ANSWER And in their boxers/underwear. To sneak marijuana into concerts you simply put it in your underwear. This is where people at school stash it etc.
Chameleons camouflage themselves to, most importantly, hide from potential predators. However, camouflage also helps the chameleon hide from, and sneak up on prey. If insects don't see them, the insects won't try to flee.
If you need to hide it good. Put it in a few ziplock bags in a sock, with a fabric softener sheet and sprayed with air freshener.
it can't c u if u can find a way 2 hide body heat.if that's posibble.the show 'mythbusters' had an episode about it.
Yes, it is possible, but uranium can be detected by gamma radiometry. And the risk is great.
Marijuana can only be planted outdoors during times of the year when there is at least twelve hours of sunlight. However, much marijuana is produced indoors to hide it from law enforcement. Plants grown indoors are produced year-round.
In the winter the Arctic Fox's coat turns white or blue-grey. This is to help the fox blend in with it's environment. The fox can then hide from predators and hunt prey without being detected.
Dogs cover their poop as a natural instinct to hide their scent from potential predators or competitors. This behavior is rooted in their wild ancestors' survival tactics to avoid being tracked or detected by other animals.
Warrior cats used a plant called marigold to hide their scent when stalking their prey. Marigold has a strong smell that can help mask a cat's scent, making it easier for them to sneak up on their prey without being detected.