you culd always just eat an apple all the time but the way i hide mine from school and my parents is i get a clear stud n then i cover it in foundation n people think its a pimple it seriously works lol
I have snakebites. This means that I have two piercings on opposite ends of my lower lip.
I went to a french catholic high school, and had to cover them up in order to not get suspended. I bought clear plastic barbells, and switched them before and after school. Works out very well.
The only thing I would do, is wait until they're completely healed before changing any of the jewelry. Switching the jewelry too often when it is not 100% healed could create problems.
You can pick up one at your local tattoo/body piercing shop or any shop that carries body jewelry.
You can buy clear glass retainers but they won't be completely hidden. Those are usually good enough for work and school.
u could tuck your lip in your mouth
take it out or just put it in backward in stick it through
You don't. The only real thing that you can do to "hide" it would be to wear a clear retainer, but this will be an obvious rod of clear plastic through your lip. The only other alternative would be to leave it out, and with it new, the piercing will shrink up super quick.
For your upper lip, Left is a monroe piercing. The bottom lip could just be a lip piercing, or labret piercing.
14g is normal for a male lip piercing, 16g is normal for a female lip piercing.
Yea,i have a lip piercing and it does that do its natural
It means that he wanted a lip piercing :)
Having a piercing on the side of your lip :3
sleep at a mates house for the first week then after that just pull it out whilst ur parents are around
Get a retainer. You can use acrylic but I think glass works best. It wont completely hide it but its better than nothing. You can find them online but look around at your local piercing shops first :)
up to you i would say lip though
It's a center lip piercing, it means it's a center lip piercing, nothing more nothing less.