

Best Answer

You can't make your period come sooner. However, if you eat right and cut down on junk food, you will become healthy and more fit. To get your period, you have to be a certain weight, most doctors recomend 90-105LBS. It's normal for girls to get it at ages 9-15 years old. All the answers are in the book,"The Care And Keeping Of You." get it at the American Girl Library!!

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Q: How can you help make your period come sooner?
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How do you make first Period come sooner?

You can't. It's phyically impossible

What can you do to make your period come faster?

You can only make your period come faster if you are taking birth control pills. By finishing a pack early, you will bleed sooner rather than later.

Does taking a bath in salt make your period come faster?

No, taking a bath in salt doesn'tmake your period come faster. Your period starts exactly when it is due in relation to your menstrual cycle, you cannot speed-up your menstrual cycle or skip phases of your menstrual cycle to get your period to start sooner than it's due. Having a bath can help induce your period if it is late due to heat and relaxation, but not sooner.

How can you make your period come faster?

You can't make your period come faster - when your period starts is determined by your menstrual cycle, you cannot speed-up your menstrual cycle or skip phases of the menstrual cycle to make yourself menstruate sooner.

Is it possible to make your period come sooner?

No, it's not possible to make your period come sooner. When you menstruate is determined by your menstrual cycle, a domino effect of hormonal changes between your reproductive organs and your brain that control ovulation and menstruation. There is no way to speed-up your cycle or skip phases of your cycle to make yourself menstruate earlier.

Is there a non medical way to make your period come sooner?

You actually can make your period come sooner and go by faster. I'm actually trying to find this answer my self, but here are some ways I have heard: -Exercise! -Use a heating pad on your abdomen. -Having an orgasm can help speed it up, and get the blood flowing. -Drink green tea or parsley tea. There's more but I can't think any right now.

Can certeain food make your period come on.?

Yes, I find that eating bananas increases my menstrual flow or encourages it to come sooner. My mom actually told me this although I have not researched why.

How do you make a period come faster?

You can't make your period come faster. When you menstruate depends on your menstrual cycle, you can't speed-up your menstrual cycle or skip phases of your menstrual cycle to get menstruation to start any sooner.

Is it possible to make period come faster if drink coke with panadol?

No, it's not possible for you to make your period come faster. Your periods is controlled by your menstrual cycle a domino effect of your hormones between the reproductive organs and brain - you can't speed-up your cycle or skip phases of your cycle to make your period start faster. Certainly drinking coke with panadol won't make your period start any sooner!