try counseling for you both
You can't, no one can't but with time on your side it will ease up very slowly. Your pain will not subside quickly but it will go away one day. It might take months or years. Give yourself time that way you can get closure with your feelings.
It is important to have an open and honest conversation with your husband about his affair and express how it is affecting you and your relationship. Seek couples therapy or individual therapy to address underlying issues. Ultimately, ending the affair is a decision your husband must make himself.
The truth is,the more you love somebody the harder it is to get over being cheated on.My boyfriend cheated on me a year ago now,it tore me apart and really knocked me down.We're still together but still I get upset over it.You just gotta have faith that the person won't do it again and that it was a mistake..eventually you will realise that it was a mistake and that it is only small compared to good times that you spend with your partner.
Do your best to continue with the most open relationship as you can have. If you are still with your cheating spouse, I would consider a divorce. If you truly love someone more than anything I do not believe you would cheat on them, but that is my own personal opinion. Whoever you are currently with, talk with them and make sure they know they need to be very open and understanding when it comes to things such as knowing where they are and such. I hope this helps! Openness is KEY!
LOL.......u cant):
You don't, face the fact that you mess up and no one held a gun in your head so you can have your affair. First of all we all can't say were sorry because we did something wrong and made a stupid decision. Its either we want to stay good and accept what have given to us, or go out there and mess up our life, hurt our family esp. when there's a kid involve. If all you wanted is forgiveness, why did you had the affair and go back to your husband. You can't make your bed and lay on it to.
how does a husband who claims he fell in love with his mistress end this affair i thought we've been happily married for twenty seven years
How Elizabeth proctor felt about her husband's affair changed throughout the play. Towards the end of the play she became increasingly accepting of it.
Ria ends her 'almost' affair, but also gets angry with her husband and tells him she is going to leave him. After running into her almost affair man again, she changes her mind and goes back home to her husband.
No. I believe a one-night stand is something a couple can work out, but if it was a long time affair and a child came of it, then it would end in divorce.
if he is accusing you of having an affair, when you are not.
Divorse to husband , breakupwith boyfriend
Time to end the marriage and move on to someone who will be a real husband.
ANSWER: Even if your husband is an affair material, that will not be his legit reason why he is having an affair. It can't be that he is not getting his needs at home, it will explain why he ask you to marry him if he will betrayed you.
The End of the Affair was created in 1951.
You do not tell your husband's girlfriend's employer anything. The employer is a businessman and is not interested in the private affairs of his employees unless it interferes with their work performance. It should be your husband you are going after and if you feel the relationship is over then file for divorce. Your husband is the one that started this affair because he either provoked the affair or he could have said 'no' if she suggested having an affair with him. Put the blame where it belongs ... your husband!
No, it is not a mistake to tell the husband his wife was having an affair with your husband. However, some wives can be in denial and they may not believe their husband is cheating, but most do.