Dont be too needy its annoying and he ovbiously not a very good bf anyway. you might wanna dump him darling :-l
"You broke up with your boyfriend and he said that he doesnt really care are he cheat on you?
No! never!
I think a good boyfriend are the ones who care! so caring && honesty are the keys in being a good boyfriend!
if your boyfriend doesn' think you care for him then show him. sit down and have a heart to heart talk with him show him all the attention
if he loves her he would not care.
if your boyfriend ask his mom if you had a new boyfriend then that means that he loves you and are concern about you seeing another man so therefore he does care about you
Because you love him and care for him.
Ask him.
show your care and love
Well it depends on whether your parents care or whether you care if you want a boyfriend and you like him then yes you can but if you have an alternate motive then you probably shouldn't date this person
That depends on the type of boyfriend you have. You'll want to ask him about this yourself.
don't worry about it. If your boyfriend really cares about you he won't care what his friend says