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You can't. Not every female wants the same things in a guy.

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Q: How can you get to be the guy every girl wants to be with?
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What does a guy want n a girl?

All guys want different things, but I think every guy wants a girl who makes them feel special and wanted. I could say that every girl wants that as well.

How do you be the guy every girl wants?

Well, every girl is different. You need to get to know her better and find out yourself.

What is the word for when a guy wants to be a girl?

transgendered. or cross dresser. or drag queen. or guy who wants to be a girl

Does he want you or another girl?

There is no way to know if a guy wants you or another girl. The best way to find out what what a guy wants is to ask the guy.

Who asks for prom?

Anyone! Heck, if a girl wants to ask a guy to prom GO FOR IT! If a guy wants to ask a girl to prom DO IT!

What if a guy that wants to be a diaper girl?

Dump him and get a guy that is normal.

If a guy has a girlfriend and looks at you every now and then what does it mean?

He wants to make it with you-but he doesn't want his girlfriend to know.

What does it mean when a girl say when she wants to see guy she will find the guy?

When a girl says when she wants to see a guy she will find a guy means she is independent and she isn't interested in seeing any guy at this point in time.

What does that mean when a guy wants to get a girl's attention?

Hw wants her to notice him.

What a girl wants from a guy?

A big dick.

What do girls think in a guy?

A girl wants a sweet guy. And ladys there are those type or men out there! Also a girl wants a guy who will treat her like she is the only girl in the world for him, like he cant do any better!!!!!!!!

What do guys look for in a girl and why?

Every guy is different, and every guy looks for something different in a girl.