my advice is to just act normal. do not keep asking him do you like me over an over because then he might stop liking you. like i said before act normal and talk to him once in a while. every week you can talk to him a little more. don't rush things though.
When he's willing to admit it.
When they know that the guy likes her.
the guy is probably shy. don't worry about it. or maybe he is just embarrassed.
No, he will never say it unless he really cares about you
Ask him directly.
ignore him and play hard-to-get to get him at your feet
pretend to be interested in someone else, and then see how he responds.
Then just wait till he does he will sooner or later if he really likes u.
It means the guy has feelings for you but was too afraid to admit them.
they would be nasty to you all call you names, or he would flirt with you
Maybe he wants to seem like the tough to get guy in school? If he does like you then, well, ask him.
Tell him you'll sleep with him if he says it... correction- umm... no! lol there's a guy that i think likes me too but idk! that is the worst advicepossible!