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, I'm in grade 7, and there's this really beautiful, gorgeous girl in my class. We monitor classes, (grade 1) and me and my partner sit beside her and her partner and we talk a lot, see each other a lot, talk on msn, and I was just wondering how I can ask her out, or get her to ask me out, and do you think she likes me? I mean, she laughs at things I say, but the only thing I don't think she likes is my weight.. I'm overweight, but I'm very, very strong for my age, and shes really skinny, not diabetic though, I love her so much, we both have about same grade average (B+) and I'm just really scared.

Thank you for listening. Please help.

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Its normal but if she is on fifth grade too.

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You shouldn't.

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In this grade it is inappropriate to have a boyfriend or girlfriend in this grade. I say wait till you get in middle school. im in fourth and its hard u just have to be veary good looking my friend has a girlfriend in 6th and hes in 4th he just got lucky

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I believe that he is 8th grade. And he does NOT have a girlfriend. Those rumors of Stella, Bella, and Caitlin are totally FAKE. bye!<3

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Give her your address.