The age of your Winchester model 71 rifle can be determined by the serial number.If you would post this I can age and determine the year of production.
your Winchester model 71 was made in 1956.
Buy providing the serial number to your Winchester model 71 lever action rifle.
With the serial number that you have supplied,your Winchester model 71 lever action rifle was made in the year 1941.Winchester made 2543 model 71 rifles that year.
If you are asking when your Winchester model 71 rifle was made?I can say that with the serial number you have provided,your model 71 was made in the second year of production which was 1936.
Can't be answered without the serial number.
Your winchester model 71 rifle was made in the second year of production which is 1937.This also means that you have the long tang version of the model 71.
With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 71 rifle was made in the year 1948.
With the serial number that you have supplied;your Winchester model 71 rifle was made in the last year of production which was 1957.
your winchester model 12 shotgun was made in 1940,that makes it 71 years old.
10-700 usd
With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 71 lever action rifle was 1 of only 1149 made in the year 1942.
According to production records that I was able to remove from the Winchester factory at the time of its closing, there were 3,219 Winchester model 71 carbines produced between 1935 and 1948.