Old gun catalogs and Blue Book of Gun Values
Proofhouse.com has sn data.
Try Blue Book of Gun Values
If the company has a website, they might have sn data.
Go to the maker's web site and see if they have sn data.
Blue Book of Gun Values, Jan C. Still's website.
You will have to call S&W with the sn to find out.
I happen to have the same rifle. I have been looking for worth and owners manuals for the gun and the only info i can find on the gun is it was made in 1983.
You will have to call Colt to find out.
You have to tell us who made it.
Take your gun into a licensed Arms dealer. They will run the serial number on the gun (If their isn't one, this is illegal and you will be forced to forfit your gun to them) and they should run it and be able to tell you.
Need the name of the maker.