'allo! we're up to our eyeballs at the moment, but we have almost finished building a new contact section for you to be able to contact us. billing@faceparty.com for credit card stuff
The major differences between high-contact and low-contact service systems: high-contact system-to receive the service, the customer must be part of the system. Low-contact system is when customers are not in contact with the any services while the service is performed.
Google "Contact A CEO"
how do you contact or initiate communications with customers?
You can contact BT's customer service at the official BT website's contact page. You can contact them for a multitude of reasons, including but not limited to housing issues and payment problems.
By contact, do you mean touch, or like your calling somebody?
faceplanet.co.uk i think
Since not all of FaceParty is free for use, WikiAnswers cannot provide you with passwords to gain subscription-level access to FaceParty. This is receiving something for free that you should be paying for, which is technically theft. Thus, it is the reason why we will not provide this information nor allow it to be available here - it's basically illegal.
Myspace FaceBook Teen-Video-Chat FaceParty
Join the club! Faceparty have deleted thousands (possibly hundreds of thousands) of profiles for no apparent reason - and they are not in a hurry to explain. There seems to be little logic behind it - some people think that they are targetting older people, ugly people, or just random people in some sort of childish cull. Emails and phone calls to Faceparty fall on deaf ears - the most common response being none at all. Some people - myself included - tried creating new profiles without photographs and with false ages, but even these were deleted within 24 hours. One can only assume Faceparty is restricting membership to a select few - so I recommend using an alternative social networking site, like Netlog, Lookitsme, Facepic, Bebo ... do a search, there are dozens to choose from. Faceparty has shot itself in the foot, and I say: let them bleed to death!
My Space, Orkut, Friendster, netlog, faceparty, bebo, facebook, tagged, MSN spaces, Yahoo spaces, etc...
Faceparty.com is a social networking site similar to myspace, facebook etc etc. How ever registration is ivite only, access to the registration is acceessible via a super secret password, however I managed to get the password from http://www.FacepartyPassword.com and got registered. woop!
I think 'him or me' as you are contracting 'contact him or contact me'. By contrast 'he or I will contact you' because that contracts 'he will or I will contact you'
myspace facebook bebo hi5 tagged tagword vampirefreak live journal my yearbook gaiaonline espin mylol netlog smutvibes fubar faceparty faces cutemeter buddypic yahoo 360 live spaces aim pages xanga friendster habbo neopets club penguin MSN hotmail fotolog etc just google it
Force can be both contact or non-contact
Force can be both contact or non-contact