

Best Answer

Kier Dullea is listed among the clients of CR Management. You should be able to contact him through this agency. Webpage: * Phone: 1-310-927-6892 * Fax: 1-888-729-9031 * email: | | * Mail: CR MANAGEMENT

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Which is the correct spelling kier or keir?

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Actor Dullea of 2001 A Space Odyssey?

Keir Dullea .

How tall is Keir Dullea?

Keir Dullea is 6' 1".

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Nicholas Dullea is 6' 1".

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Keir Dullea was born on May 30, 1936.

When was Keir Dullea born?

Keir Dullea was born on May 30, 1936.

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Charles W. Dullea died in 1966.

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Charles W. Dullea was born in 1889.

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The cast of Udo Kier - From A to A - 1993 includes: Udo Kier as Udo Kier

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How old is Keir Dullea?

Keir Dullea is 81 years old (birthdate: May 30, 1936).

What has the author Owen John Dullea written?

Owen John Dullea has written: 'Claude Gellee le Lorrain'