A account that has closed permanently is when a account has been closed forever basically.
It means the account that the check was drwan on has been closed. Whoever wrote the check went to the bank, closed the account without providing a list of outstanding checks, and took whatever cash was left in the account. Unfortunately it makes the check you're holding worthless... but if you are located in the US (not sure about other countries) it is considered bank fraud and is a federal offense. Contact an attorney.
The definition of a closed check, depends on the circumstances. In a restaurant, a closed check is a check that has been paid for.
Yes, as long as all the information is still accurate and the account is open, the book may be used. If the account has been closed, or the information is out of date, the book should be shredded.
No. Once a bank account is closed, the account number remains unused by the bank for seven or more years (it varies by individual bank). You may reopen a new account with the same bank, provided the first account was not closed by the bank for improprieties perpetrated by you.
A account that has closed permanently is when a account has been closed forever basically.
It means the account that the check was drwan on has been closed. Whoever wrote the check went to the bank, closed the account without providing a list of outstanding checks, and took whatever cash was left in the account. Unfortunately it makes the check you're holding worthless... but if you are located in the US (not sure about other countries) it is considered bank fraud and is a federal offense. Contact an attorney.
The definition of a closed check, depends on the circumstances. In a restaurant, a closed check is a check that has been paid for.
If it is an asset account, you verify the location of the asset. If it is a transaction account, like accounts receivable, you take a sample, say 100 transactions, and verify amounts and whether or not the revenue has been earned.
No. If the account has been closed, you would need to re-apply if you wanted an account.
If the writing of the checks was done KNOWING that the account was closed, then the intent to defraud has been established. There are number of charges which might apply, depending on the circumstances (e.g.- fraud - larceny - uttering). It could depend on the total amount of the fraud, but it could be a felony offense.
Yes, you can request your issuing credit card company or bank to reopen your credit card that you closed. I did that with one of my credit cards. However, make sure that you had a good record on that particular closed account and that you check if all the balances have been paid before you closed the account in order not to ruin your credit history.
Yes, as long as all the information is still accurate and the account is open, the book may be used. If the account has been closed, or the information is out of date, the book should be shredded.
my bank closed my account can i reopen the same account again
A dishonoured cheque is a check that the bank returns for the following reasons • There are insufficient funds in the account that the cheque is drawn on; or • A cheque is issued on an account, which had been closed for reasons other than being blacklisted under the Credit Bureau or closed for legal reasons. by latie lethola
Merchants can submit notification stating that at least one check presented to them as payment has been presented twice and returned unpaid both times, or that the check was returned as closed account.