call the state police and give them the serial number off the weapon or take it to a gun shop and have them do a check, but if you were smart and bought the gun legally at a gun show or gun dealer the gun will most likely not be stolen due to the background check and gun registry, also if you purchased the gun off of any tom, dick ,or harry and did not have it registered to you, when you call the police or take it to a gun shop to have the serial number checked you will be going to jail because it is a felony to buy a gun and not have it registered to you .
check for any finger prints
check with your local police department or state police. they can check it........
In the UK - ask the police to do a PNC check on the VIN.
If you think it's stolen, ask the police to run the serial number.
Ask the police.
The Microfusion breeder weapons can be found at the Silver Rush. The Recharger Rifle can be bought from the Van Graffs or stolen from the shelves near the door. The Recharger Pistol can be stolen from the front desk in the shop.
Possilbe, but, unlikely.
Contact the police
You can check the serial number of the Magellan GPS device with the manufacturer to see if it has been reported as stolen. Additionally, you can contact local law enforcement to inquire if the device has been reported as stolen in their database.
Wait for it to get flagged when it is bought/sold or wait for someone to get caught with it by the police. The police typically check the serial number of a gun when it is found or somehow involved in a crime or traffic stop.
If you just bought it and ask the police to check it and then it turns out to be stolen, in all likelihood you'd be in no trouble at all; you're just trying to verify the gun is clean. If it does turn out to be stolen, however, the police have to confiscate the gun, so you'd be out whatever you paid for it unless you filed a civil suit against the seller.
Go back to the store where you bought it.