Stay away from those who use it and the places users congregate. If you can't do that, then when it is offered say NO and mean it. For the best advice goto:
Marijuana is a harmful drug. Avoid it.
Dont smoke it?
To get a good job in the future
Stop smoking marijuana...Simple!!!! Or brush and floss anyway.
take marijuana hahahahaha gago
The only way to avoid munchies and hunger is to avoid food.
You can misuse marijuana, by using it to 'self-medicate' yourself for other problems. Smoking marijuana, (like alcohol), is sometimes used as a way to avoid dealing with problems.
1) to avoid police because asking to buy a tree draws much less atention than asking to buy some marijuana 2)because when your high marijuana is a mouth full to say
Just keep acting like a baby, none of them will want to be around you.
It's entirely your choice whether you use illicit substances or not !
Yes. One can acquire marijuana in Amman, however, punishments for the carrying and use of marijuana in Arab countries are much steeper than the penalties enforced in Western countries. Marijuana use can be a serious offense in Jordan, so please avoid it.
Just stop smoking it and avoid being around those who do.