just be yourself and ask. if they don't like you for you then they are not good enough for you. try not to be scared and just walk up if they say no tough luck find someone else!! -------------------------------- if you are to nervous to do that leave a note in her locker ASF-air soft freak ----------------------------------
Ok here's how you do it. First you walk up to them. Then you say hey, I like you. Then you choose from some of these responses. Want to go out, do you like me, or something else. Don't feel bad if they don't say that they like you. One more thing, if they say no don't keep asking them!!!
You say, I really like you. You could also say, you look fantastic; I love the way you do your hair; you are such a nice person; I miss you when I don't see you. Think about what you'd like to hear from another person and use those thoughts in return. There are no tricks to it; just be yourself and be sincere and truthful (but not too truthful; no need to suggest personal appearance improvements!)
if she starts acting weird then that probably means she doesn't like you but if she trys to talk to you more and hang out with you more she probably like you too i am not a shy guy I'm in 8th grade i have had a couple of girl friends this year and i don't really do all that act shy and tell other people i like her i ask her out or tell her i like her
Don't just tell her that you like her, tell her WHAT you like about her.
"I think you're cool, Jenna. I like that you're always nice to people."
"I like that you're smart AND pretty, Lisa."
"You have your own style, Gina. You're not afraid to be your own person. I like that."
"You say what you think and that takes guts. I like that."
Good luck!
Well,all you have to do is get the girl to like and then ask the girl does she like him and if the girl says yes, then ask her for her #! and i should know cause i am a girl!
It depends, do you like the other girl who likes you? if so, ask HER out. If not, then just ask out the girl you like.
ask her out!
You ask them like you would ask any other girl for their email.
get to know her first and then ask her
If you can date, ask her out.
If you like the girl just ask her! it will be fine if you know she likes you just ask her and it will be ok i promise!!!!! tell me when you get the news!! that girl is going to be so happy!!!
ask them out
Ask her
ask her out
Ask her.
Well it depends, Do you like this girl?