1st, make sure he doesn't think that you're weird, ugly, or stupid. or, JUST DON'T!!!!
It won't hurt him - quite the opposite. Just ask him what he wants you to do, and get him to show you for a start.
If you don't like him then turn him down easy so you don't hurt his feelings.
You can ask a boy out without seeming desperate by staying casual and not begging. Ask him as if you don't care either way, which makes you seem confident. If he says no, then walk away.
If you ask a boy if he was upset and he gets mad, that's a big indication that he was upset. For some reason boys have a sense of pride where they don't want to ever let on they were anything but fine because otherwise they will look weak.
First find out if he's dating anyone. Then just go up to him and ask" do you have a phone." If yes"What is it." If no "Would you go out with me." iF YES call him and ASk"will you go out with me."
Ask him.
There is always a risk when you ask someone out that they might say no. You just have to take the chance and ask him.
When she has stayed for long without getting intimate with a boy
it hearts and wallmart
If you need to ask you don't need to know
ask him again another time, he may be busy and does not intentionally want to hurt you or anything.
Either get him out of your head by getting with another boy ;) Dont worry the new boy will be much better AND Get all your mates round and have a good old sleepover with your mates and slag of every single boy who has ever hurt you