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Either by having an ultrasound scan, or by having the amniotic fluid tested.

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Q: How can we know the gender of the baby during pregnancy?
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How can you determine the gender of baby after two Months of pregnancy?

They will usually find out during your first ultrasound.

During pregnancy how do you know if you are having a boy or a girl execpt from ultrasound?

Gender can usually be determined around 20 weeks into pregnancy with an ultrasound.

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Neither. She never had the baby and it wasn't far enough onto the pregnancy to know the gender

How far along in pregnancy do you have to be before you know the sex?

Typically gender is first found out during an ultrasound performed around the 16 to 22 week point of pregnancy.

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No baby

Where are there baby gender predictors online?

There are baby gender predictors online on sites like fortune baby, child birth, gender prediction test and many more. These are known sites being used by thousands of people from around the world.

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If you know your rodents, you should be able to tell the gender of baby rodents at birth (I can).

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How do you know by scan report male baby or female baby?

how to find baby gender in the ultrasound scan

When can you know the gender of your unborn baby?

16-20 weeks

Does the one child policy allow women to know the gender of their child during pregnancy?

Apparently it does allow women to know the gender of their child during pregnancy, because the male to female ratio has been 117:100 since 2000. A study done in 1990 found 4 reasons for this imbalance of the sexes, and one of them was the illegal practice of sex-selective abortion made possible by the widespread availability of ultrasound.

Can you tell the sex of your baby by what moods your in?

No. An ultrasound is the only way to know for certain what your baby's gender is.