it can affect you at school because you are a lot more tired than normal. try to carry on with school although it might be challenging at times.
you wouldn't get a good job
By producing more consumers.
Mass media adversely affects the teenage pregnancy. That is the concern of parents all over the world.
well, lets just say the people at school will congradulate you for the child and then walk away whispering "whore.."
they have to make separate schools for teens with baby's.
the prevelence of teenage pregnancy in the caribbean
what are the cuases and effects of teenage pregnancy in ghana
school drop-out,teenage pregnancy
Which of the following is true of teenage pregnancy and parenthhood
Teenage Pregnancy is wrong especially if the parent is younger than sixteen.
Not really. What can affect it is your weight. Anorexia or obesity can lead to problems trying to get pregnant.
Most teenagers do amazingly well as long as they have a good support system and know what to expect.