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Over time your lungs will fill up with Black smoke and gunk. You will be more prone to all sorts of serious cancers, as well as Heart disease. Your breathe will smell and your teeth will rot and fall out, plus your tongue will go black.

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14y ago
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14y ago

People think you might get a boost, or it relaxes you, but in fact it speeds up your body's functions. The nicotine contained within cigarettes is a stimulant, it speeds up everything, especially your heart.

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14y ago

Smoking has many negative effects on the body. First of all it contains many carcinogenic chemicals which promote the development of lung, bladder, kidney, throat, breast and many other cancers. It also promotes the development of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) a disease which destroys the alveoli (little sacs in the lungs where oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide) and causes bronchoconstriction (narrowing of the tubes through which air passes in the lungs). This causes people to be short of breath, especially during any type of physical exertion. This disease is progressive and irreversible. It has also been linked to the increase of Asthma and Allergies including multiple chemical sensitivity. In the heart it promotes hypertension (high blood pressure), atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and generally increases the risk of developing coronary artery disease, increasing your risk of a heart attack or stroke. It has many other negative effects on the body beyond these, but these are the highlights.

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14y ago

O if you haven't started yet, plz don't it kills your body. It damage your lungs, You can get a Heart Attack. Not in the early ages Of your life, but once you get over 35 this is when so many part of your body gets infected with smoking of cigarette.

Again if you haven't started, Don't Don't Don't, do it.

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13y ago

Your lungs will turn black. Over a period of time if you get an MRI you will see your lungs are completely black. eeeewwwwww!!!

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15y ago

you won't be high

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Q: How can smoking effect your body?
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What body systems does smoking effect?

Smoking affects the whole body. Specifically the lungs, and circulatory system.

What are the effect of smoking on human body?

it destroys the lungs

What parts of the body does smoking effect?

Lungs mostly.

How does smoking effect you body when doing sports?

Smoking is bad for your lungs, therefore it affects your ability to breath steadily, which is required for most sports.

How does smoking effect are body?

all the tar sticks to your lungs and then it can increase your risk of lung cancer

How does smoking effect the body?

Smoking has many negative effects on the body, inside and out. It discolors the fingers and nails, contributes to bad breath, dull and tired looking skin. Smoking turns the lungs black and can cause cancer and heart disease.

What effect does smoking have on ulcers?

Smoking increases a patient's chance of developing an ulcer, decreases the body's response to therapy, and increases the chances of dying from complications.

When smoking who do they effect?

the atmosphere the enviroment the person who is smoking

What can smoking cause and effect?

smoking what? weed? or ciggs?

How does smoking effect your performance in fottball?

Yes it will effect Your body. SO you will unable run faster than others. Football means non-rest game.