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Marijuana is an addictive drug. Not as addictive as narcotics but still it is addictive. Marijuana causes some people to feel a high which causes their brain to give them a false sense of reality. It causes people to do things that they would never do if sober. It damages brain cells. Ones that you may wish later on in life that you still had. It is a drug and it does influence your actions. Other people may feel a sense of paranoia or fear. Anything that alters the way that you would normally think or feel is not good for you. People say that it does not lead to harder drugs but that is a lie that is told by people that smoke it. Almost all drug addicts will tell you that they started out smoking marijuana and that they needed to take it to the next level when pot no longer did what they wanted for them. Like they used to say when I was a kid, "Why do you think they call it Dope?"

marijuana is not bad. smoke if you want to. i mean come on grow up people. i can do what i want and so can you. other people will just have to accept tht you are stupid and get over it. i prolly only have 20 brain cells oh well. 420! bby

Nah see, no matter how much yu some yu kill brain cells, but yu get those brain cells back in 20 minutes of class! So I Dee kay why ppl get so upset over it.

Has anyone figured out yet that the people who are for Marijuana don't even spell in proper English. And I agree Marijuana does lead to more addicting drugs. And I'm sorry to tell you this but you don't get brain cells back once they are gone no matter how much time you spend in a classroom. And because of that it makes it harder for people to learn extra stuff like a secondary language or a advance class or even a new topic in a basic class. And besides people who get high on marijuana 9/10 times don't want to be in a classroom cause marijuana tends to work as a muscle relaxer making people more lazy. And there is plenty of reason to be upset over it cause it has a second hand smoke effect like cigarette's but worst cause it gets the people around you high as well. So even the people who don't want to have anything to do with Marijuana still have to suffer the effect. Not to mention if you combine the fact that it works like second hand smoking, makes everyone high that's around it, and it makes you less intelligent; well let's just say after all of that has added up the overall intelligent rates of our country would drop down REALLY fast along with the unemployment rate, since everyone would rather spend their time smoking marijuana instead of having a job.

The above answers are inaccurate and completely based on opinions rather than facts. Regardless of the stance on the matter, both parties have managed to inaccurately portray the effects of smoking Marijuana. First of all, many things have to be taken into account when inquiring about the effects of drugs. Everyone is different, and therefore everyone's reaction to Marijuana will vary to some degree. Additionally, like all good things, Marijuana is best when used in moderation (and one's moderate use may differ from another's moderate use, because we are all different). Marijuana is sometimes referred to as "dope," not because it is an implication of addictive properties, but because when smoked it stimulates an area of your brain which then releases larger-than-usual-amounts of Dopamine into your body. Dopamine is a natural chemical produced in the brain which, when released, heightens one's awareness and imagination. That is why smoking Marijuana in moderation can actually be beneficial for one's intellect and creativity; it is mentally stimulating. A common misconception is that Marijuana addictions exist and are often developed quickly. Marijuana is not, under any circumtances, addictive. When one is addicted to a drug, a physical dependance has developed. If the dug is not used over a period of time, that person will experience withdrawal. Withdrawal occurs because a person's body needs what your are no longer giving it. This does not happen with THC (the active chemical in Marijuana). Would you like to call me a liar? Would you like to claim that I am without sources? Unlike the individuals who have answered this question above, I speak from personal experience. I have literally smoked Marijuana at least once a day consistantly for the past year now, and my grammar/vocabulary is more correct and more advanced than the 'stoners' who have replied to this question, AND the non-users. I am currently studying Calculus and Physics in school and I have maintained a low-90 average during the time of my usage. In fact, I'm high right now! I hope this helped.

Richard (different user): It just depends on the person. Marijuana is a natural medication. And even when use it as recreational, it will only hurt you if you abuse it. You should know you're limits and do you're research and form you're own conclusion from that research, and weather or not you come out of the research agreeing with me or not on pot is irrelevant. Research is important. Pot has been proven to cure cancer among other illnesses. If you SMOKE anything it is bad for you, weather or not that substance is generally good for or not. You should eat pot. Pot can be put into anything, including anything and everything healthy; i.e. Olive Oil, fruits, vegtibals etc. And if anyone gets addictied it is there fault, they have allowed them selves to cross there own limits, convincing them selves that they cannot live with out it. And it is not an addiction to the substance it self, it is an addiction to the feeling/emotion and the intensity of that feeling/emotion they get from it. Anything can be addictive, drug or not. It is up to the user to take responsibility for their actions and urges. Be educated. And have the willing to educate you're self.

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How is marijuana?

Awesome. Try it. It won't hurt you. It makes you happy, hungry, sleepy.

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No. Diarhhea has a root cause (bacterial infection, food poisoning) that marijuana couldn't treat. But it wouldn't hurt anything!

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No, a father smoking marijuana will not hurt an unborn child. The mother should do her best to stay out of the room, but the father smoking will not hurt.

Were can you find an experts opinion on not legalizing marijuana?

Short answer: You can't. There is no evidence of marijuana causing harmful side effects in people except in the event that you fall and hurt yourself. No deaths have ever been linked to marijuana and there is no "lethal dose" as with alcohol. Short answer: You can't. There is no evidence of marijuana causing harmful side effects in people except in the event that you fall and hurt yourself. No deaths have ever been linked to marijuana and there is no "lethal dose" as with alcohol.

Can the fumes from growing marijuana hurt young kids?

No. In fact marijuana cleans the air just like a tree does. The "fumes" as you say , is nothing more than a smell.

Smoking marijuana and taking high blood pressure medication hurt you?

It obviously impairs your spelling and grammar. You really should stop smoking marijuana. It's illegal.