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Understand that we are not commenting on your cheating, because your relationships and sex life are your business. However, your boyfriend has absolutely no reason to trust you now or later. Whether or not you can regain his trust rests principally on how gullible he is, and/or on how strongly he feels about the situation to begin with.

That said, a nice apology and promise, then doing absolutely nothing that could raise his suspicions again, would seem the only practical way. If you can't stop cheating, you owe it to yourself and to him to tell the truth and let him decide about the relationship.

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9mo ago

Communicate openly and honestly with your boyfriend about your feelings and actions. Show through your behavior that you are trustworthy and committed to rebuilding the relationship. Be patient and give him time to heal and rebuild his trust in you.

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Q: How can i regain my boyfriend's trust back?
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after going through your boyfriends stuff and lying about makes it kind of hard to regain his trust just be patient and he will forgive you in time. unless he had something to hide then he shouldn't have gotten to mad about it trust is a hard thing to regain once you have lost it from somebody. once you get it back hold on to it very tight and try to show him that you are trustworthy in as many ways as possible.

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The most important thing to do if you want to survive infidelity is regain the trust back to your relationship. There is an article titled "How to regain the trust after an affair" posted further down this page under Sources and Related Links.

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he has to give his trust to you and watch you demonstrate that you are worth it if he doesn't give you his trust in advance, there's nothing you can do :-)

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tell him to trust or bust.

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Be honest with her. Trust takes time to regain.

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just hang out with her and find things about her ask her questions but dont tell her that your trying to find out is you can regain trust in her.

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Time and patience.

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You cant

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be honest to them from now on and you will regain there trust=)

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Ask forgiveness , show true contrition, and be prepared to work hard to regain his trust.

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