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If you eat you get some form of fat and your body needs it. Fats help hair, nails and skin so you don't want to cut fats from your diet. It isn't fats that make you fat it is other factors like eating junk food, processed food, not exercising, and drinking "sport/health/colas drinks" made mainly of sugar.

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Q: How can fat not get in your body?
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What happens when you have no fat?

If you had no body fat, you would die. Everybody has (and needs!) body fat.

What you should consider is your body fat?

You should consider your fat tissues as your body fat.

Body composition is the ratio of body fat to?

Lean Body Fat

Why does the body store fat?

The body stores fat to save energy for when the body needs it. It also uses fat to regulate the body temperature.

What is total body fat?

I think it's fat in your body

What is fat and what is it used for in the body?

the fat in your body is used for protiene

What is the definition of Body Composition?

Body composition refers to the proportion of fat and fat-free mass in the body. Those with a higher proportion of fat-free mass to a lower proportion of body fat have a healthy body composition.

Does your body eat muscle fat or body fat?

If you aren't eating, your body will eat the muscle fat before it eats the body fat. Don't try to not eat for the purpose of losing weight. You won't lose the body fat, and you will become very unhealthy.

Do you have to eat fat with fat-soluble vitamins so your body can use them?

no, a fat soluble vitamin is stored by the body in fat.

What is the best way to measure my body fat weight?

The closest way to measure your body fat weight is to first analyze your body fat percentage. You can do this with a machine called the body fat analyzer. You will then get an idea of how your body is composed.

How can one calculate body fat percentage?

One can calculate the percentage of fat there is in their body by using the Body Fat Percentage Calculator provided by Healthy Forms which lets you calculate the percentage of fat in your body.

What nutrients help the body burn fat?

Mostly the fat present in fish burns the fat in our body.