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pedefiles pretend to be kids

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Q: How can children be indanger by using facebook?
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Is a killer whale a indanger species?

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when they eat my breckfest they are.

Are zebras indanger?

no they are not indangered......yet.

Are scorpions indanger of becoming extinct?

no not at all

Do Michael Jackson's kids have Facebook accounts?

It's possible that someone created facebook account using their names... but, as far as I know, Michael's children don't use internet...

What is the age children can have Facebook?

11 year olds can have facebook

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Is the bottle nose dolphin a indanger speceies?

a in danger species

Is a chow chow an endangered dog?

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Does Prince Michael The First have Facebook?

No, none of Michael's children have a Facebook.

Why children from 12-16 should not be allowed to facebook?

most of the time children 12+16 should not be on facebook because people be posting ugly stuff on facebook

Do people enjoy Facebook?

You can't enjoy Facebook, Facebook is a noun. People enjoy USING Facebook :)