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Q: How can cellphones improve school safety?
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Can you text in school?

well of course not you are in school and it is rong to have cellphones in school

Why are cellphones allowed in school?

depends o which school. prob not

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Should cellphones be used in grades 7 and up?

Yes , Normally people get cellphones when they go to middle school

What can be done to improve safety on this project?

What can be done to improve safety on this project

Use of cellphones in school?

Yeah that's very nice thought but it may be prohibited in your school !

Should kids have cellphones in school in case of an emergency?

No; or to be more precise, it should be up to their parents as to whether children have cellphones, and up to the school as to whether they are permitted at school or not. Generations of people somehow managed to survive to the age of 18 without cellphones (or, indeed, phones of any sort), so obviously they aren't, strictly speaking, required.

Should school allow students to have cellphones and them in classes and at school?

yes because there could always be an emergency!

What are good cellphones for 12 year old girl highschooler?

One without text messaging is best if you want the girl to graduate from high school. Cellphones are the single largest distraction for middle school students.

How are cellphones good for school?

well phones are not good for you but they can be useful. You can use them for an emergency