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It causes your liver to fight harder in cleaning your system and can lead to liver damage which can be fatal.

The liver metabolizes alcohol into acetate, which is then burned by the body for energy in place of fat. This causes additional fat to be deposited at various locations in the body, including the liver, leading eventually to a condition called "fatty liver." Over time, this progresses to cirrhosis of the liver, which causes portions of the organ to die.

Alcohol affects the body in many other ways, however. Every organ system is affected, often due to direct contact or by the induced malfunctioning of the liver. Apart from digestive problems, this can lead to arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), pancreatitis, can aggravate any tendency toward Diabetes, and cause nerve damage. Those things, of course, are in addition to the mental problems, accidents, destroyed relationships and other by-products of Alcoholism.

In short, alcohol is a far more deadly drug than most of the illegal drugs out there. Were it not so firmly entrenched in our society (and so easy to make -- and make money on) it would no doubt be classed along with heroin and cocaine as a Schedule I drug.

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Q: How can alcohol effect your health?
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When consumed in moderation, alcohol (beer, wine and liquor) contributes to better health and greater longevity than abstaining from it or abusing it. Abusing alcohol can have serious safety and health consequences.

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Consumption in moderation can improve health and increase longevity. Abusing alcohol can have the opposite effect.

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If consumed regularly and in moderation, alcohol improves health and increases longevity. If abused, alcohol can have negative effects.

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The moderate consumption of alcohol improves cardiovascular health and reduces heart attacks by an average of about 40%.

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Drinking alcohol in moderation greatly improves heart health and significantly reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

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It can have negative legal consequences. However, consuming alcohol in moderation has never been proven to have negative health consequences for teenagers.

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That would be alcohol consumption and tobacco use.

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Drinking in moderation improves heart and circulatory health and reduces the risk of early death.

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Alcohol abuse, or any type of drug abuse has a multitude of effects, all which are negative. It has a negative effect on family life and workplace security. The effect also has negative personal health effects. The only "positive" effect, and this is not meant to be humorous, is that increases demand for social workers and doctors. It also is a factor in public health costs.