You sound like you're herding up cows! You don't 'get' white woman or any woman, you find someone you like, be a gentleman and ask them out. Take it slow and easy and get to know each other. Be true to her and honest and if you give respect you get it back. There are more and more interracial couples than ever (I live in British Columbia, Canada) and it's well accepted and many of the marriages work out just fine. I have two friends who have married a partner of another race. One of our male friends married an Asian girl (one of my best friends) and they have been married 21 years. I have two other friends who married black partners; my girlfriend in Colorado has been married to a black man for 12 years and all is going well, and our black male friend married a Swedish girl and they have 3 children and are doing well. It can work! When you fall in love race has nothing to do with it. It's how you treat that person that counts.
Yes, Its Normal for a white guy to like a black girl.
With a black and white tux, and a tie to match her corsage!
Leave the white girls to the white guys!
If he likes black girls there should be no problem just be yourself
if their black yes if their white maybe
All white girls are into the BBC.
It means he only likes black girls. Like Tupac says the black the berry the sweeter the tooth.
I am a white guy and it is really hard to approach a black/mixed race girl .We get this feeling that we will be turned down. Also the stereotypes of black/mixed race guys into the thuggish guys.
Some do, some don't. It just depends on the guy.
Sure you can. I'm a guy and I wear the girls KVD, the classic black & white checker version, and just today I had a cute girl complement me on them.
Yes, but unlikely. Black girls typically like black guys and before they would date a white guy he would have to be pretty attractive. Most black girls feel that black guys are at the top of the ranks when it comes to men of all races, so dating a white guy is rarely on their mind. BUT, if you're a fat white guy who's to say you can't find a fat black girl or a black girl who like fat white guys? I once saw this married couple (black girl/white guy) and she was FIT, like in great shape, great body, meanwhile the guy was fat, didn't look like he was into anything physical whatsoever. Plus, they had beautiful twin girls, so...sure, why not.
A white girl acting black