Kiss a lot, and then let him gently feel your boobs. If those things together don't work... then he's gay.
If by "bonner" you mean "boner" it means when a guy gets an erection.
A gift a girl can give a guy if she is moving is a picture of her
What do you mean by "Guy aids"?
To the guy with one or to someone else.
that means if a girl give a guy eye contact that means she likes him and if the guy does it well he likes the girl
its about a girl wanting a guy but he's already taken. That girl won't give up to try to get that guy.
Give the girl to the guy and the guy to the girl that way they have something to remember about how great they're relation ship is
No. The parts are different.
He might
stick thumb in pooper
1. he's horny OR either 2. he does a guy can have feelings for a girl and give her a kiss even if they're not dating.