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You should compliment him alot and dont object or complain about anything and watch the ugly truth its a movie it tells you a couple things ind a funny movie

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Q: How can a girl flirt with a guy she likes?
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If a guy likes a girl what will he say her?

he'll flirt acorse!!!

If a guy who doesnt usually flirt with a girl flirts with someone does that mean he likes the girl?


How can I get the guy that likes me?

Flirt with him.

How can you flirt with a girl if you are a girl also?

You flirt with a girl like you would flirt with a guy.

How can a girl tell if a guy is just a huge flirt or if he likes a girl?

you can tell when you see how he treats all the other girls, but the one he really likes he treats differently.

How do you know a guy likes another girl?

He will probably spend most his time with her and will flirt with her privately, carelessly, or both

How do know if a girl likes you?

well if a girl likes you they will try to be around you or most commonly flirt with you. when i like a guy i usually smile a lot when i talk to them or joke around a little.

If another guy tells you that a guy likes you how would you girls think about that other guy?

The girl would probably thank the other guy for telling them the info. Also, the girl would probably ask you to tell the guy that likes her that she likes him/doesn't like him. Plus, by the other guy telling her about the guy who likes her, the girl will be able to either avoid him (if she doesn't like him) or flirt with him. For those of you that don't understand the question, this is the situation: Guy #1 tells the girl that Guy #2 likes her. Guy #1 wants to know what the girl thinks of him. Understand?

How can you tell if the guy you like likes you or your best friend?

he'll flirt more with the girl he likes,or maybe talk or treat one differently then the other.

How can you tell if a guy you like likes your friend and not you?

if a guy likes ur friend he will flirt with her and not u.

Why do guys act towards one girl as a cocky flirt and then her friend as the nice guy?

he hates you, and likes your friend...............sorry

How can you tell a guy likes you when he is a big flirt with girls?

If he's into you, he'll flirt with you in a way that he doesn't flirt with other girls. Another sign is that he'll flirt with you the most and if this guy really likes you, he'll either ask you out or be rude or kind, it depends on what kind of guy he is.