It seems that "handpractice" is another term for masturbation.
does handpractice create knee problem or not...........
There are none. It can only cause pleasure.
There is no scientific evidence to suggest that masturbation, also known as "handpractice," has any negative effects after marriage. Masturbation is a normal and common activity that can be a healthy part of an individual's sexual expression, regardless of relationship status. It is important for individuals to communicate openly and honestly with their partner about their sexual needs and desires.
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By 'handpractice' do you mean playing with your genitals? If so, the easiest way to avoid it is to spend time with other people. Get involved in sports, Video Games, the debate club -- things that keep you busy. But chances are you will still give in every once in a while, and that's all right. You've probably read that almost everyone does it, and that's true. It won't hurt you, or anyone else. Live long and prosper.
Masturbation has nothing to do with someone being lazy. It is like any other activity, from reading a book to jogging. We should develop many interests and do a variety of activities.
The effects of hand practice on health are quite severe. The arteries on the penis are destroyed which will block the blood circulation in that area and it generally weakness the general health of the reproductive system.
No, hand practice is not necessary for maintaining good physical or mental health. It is a personal choice and varies among individuals. If you have concerns or questions about this topic, it is best to discuss them with a healthcare provider.
By 'handpractice' do you mean playing with your genitals? If so, the easiest way to avoid it is to spend time with other people. Get involved in sports, video games, the debate club -- things that keep you busy. But chances are you will still give in every once in a while, and that's all right. You've probably read that almost everyone does it, and that's true. It won't hurt you, or anyone else. Live long and prosper.
No, that is an old myth though, it isn't at all true. There is no medical reason why it should be bad for your health. The worst trouble you could probably get into is if you did not wash you hands before and after, to prevent germs from spreading to or from.