Easily(well depending on the girl). Boys who are "bad tend to get a lot of girls and if you have a bad reputation to show that you are a bad ass then great!
Bad Reputation - Dirty White Boy album - was created in 1990.
Well... It depends. If the guy has changed, then mabey it is possible, unless he has a REALLY bad reputation. But if he hasen't, then probbably not. Unless a girl likes a bad boy.
Yes it is!
Yes, it is bad. Do not trust this boy.
You shouldn't do that unless they are bad for each other.
a bad reputation
wallace is a boy that is mean and has a bad reputation
A person of ill repute has a bad reputation.
I have got a (good or bad) reputation and you have not got a (good or bad) reputation.
No. If you have feelings for someone, then you do. You can't control your feelings. If he has a girlfriend, then stick with it. They aren't married. He has no real commitment to his girlfriend.
If the boy has a girlfriend, find a guy that doesn't have a girlfriend.