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Q: How can a boy enjoy selfsex?
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He is a male in his face there are many pimples these are due to selfsex?

yes, son, those are due to selfsex

You are so thin is selfsex working is the reason for thisboy18 years old?

No. Selfsex wont pose any such problems unless u do it in a hygienic condition. Ur thinning may be bcuz of ur genes.Or ur dietary pattern.

What is the youngest age that would enjoy a Game Boy Advance?

Children as young as five will enjoy many of the games available for the Game Boy Advance.

How can you quit doing selfsex?

fear of the God is the way of quiting this habit, you a life after death so remember Almighty God.

What happens when a boy asks you can i bum you?

You say yes and enjoy it ;)

Is selfsex is dangerous for you?

not for me it isn't. If you mean sticking things like pens up your bottom or your front then yes. If you are talking about pleasuring yourself then no it isn't.

Does girl enjoy the french kiss of the boy who is not loved by a girl?

well if the girl doesn't love the boy then no. You don't have to be in love with someone to enjoy a French kiss but you do have to be somewhat attracted to that person.

Should you date a boy who does skoal?

Only if you enjoy kissing a spittoon.

How do you cheer a boy up by kissing him?

They enjoy so u should to

What is selfsex?

Basically what your talking about is something called masturbation. Both men and women can do it. Men usually do it by stroking their penis. Women can tease their vaginas and all that good stuff. They can finger themselves rub their genitals against stuff (most perfer wet stuff) and much more.

Is it okay for you to bum someone at school even if your a boy and their a boy?

If you enjoy each other and clean up afterwards Yes

Should a boy get a pullip doll?

There's not a problem with a boy getting a pullip doll! They're made for everybody to enjoy.