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Loose weight by putting down the chips, soft drinks, cookies and candy. After teaching this age for years I know that you eat junk food ALL the time. When hungry eat an apple or some other fruit and go outside and play. Put down the game, the TV, or the Xbox and play ball, skate, run, climb a tree, jump rope.

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Q: How can a 10 year old lose weight?
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What is an avrage weight for a 10 year old?

About 85-115 Is an average weight for a 10 year old.

How can a 10-year-old safely lose weight?

It can eat less, not eat sweets and eat healthy food.Nothing else.

How can a 10 year old lose weight in one day?

Losing weight takes time. The ten year old may exercise for a little longer amount of time. but make sure you try not to disclude too much weight.

How a 12 year old can lose wight with in 3weeks?

Best Way To Lose Your Weight By This Product Helped Me Lose 10 Pounds In A Week! htt ps://exe .io/NJ8SzNu

How can you lose weight you are 10 years old?

you can make them walk with you

What is the healthy weight for a 10 year old girl?

The healthy weight for a 10 year old girl is 71 pounds. The normal weight range for a 10 year old girl is 46 to 75 pounds.

How fast should a 16 year old lose 10 pounds?

No one should lose 10lbs very fast. Especially depending on your current weight. If a 16 year old only needs to lose 10 lbs than it should be done over a 2-3 month time period.

How many calories should an eightneen year old eat a day?

current weight x 10 = calories to lose weight to maintain weight = 2000 to 2500 calories per day

What can a 10 year old do to lose weight?

I would go with exercise my niece Emily was a little chubby she lost so much weight in soccer. It can also build confidence.

What is the average weight for a 4'6 10-year old girl?

The average weight for a 4'6 10 year old girl is about five stone.

What is the average weight for a 5' 10-year-old?

There is no average weight for a 5-10 year old because weight is related to height and body composition not age.

What is the average weight of a 4' 8 10-year-old?

A common weight for a 4ft 8in* 10 year old is 90 pounds to 97.