no it's not true that your boyfriend will make you jealous. Because It won't happen.
well if your bestfriends ex boyfriend is jealous of your boyfriend then tell him to get a new girlfriend or make him even more jealous for your frend because I'm pretty sure she would like that
Because he's jealous......
it is normal but not necessary because your boyfriend loves you and only you
It bothers your boyfriend because then your showing your booty to the world and your boyfriend is jealous because he wants you to himself :)
It bothers your boyfriend because then your showing your booty to the world and your boyfriend is jealous because he wants you to himself :)
He has a right to be because he feels you have betrayed him. You're not suppose to do that unless your boyfriend is okay with it or at least invite your boyfriend along.
i will know if my boyfriend loves me though he wants me to jealous because he also wants to if i also love him if I've jealous about i really love him if not i did'NT love him that's why
I would say no... but it depends how jealous he is? why is he jealous?
no it is not right to be jealous of your boyfriends best friend because he has known him for over a decade and there are things that you will learn so you know as much about your boyfriend but there are things that you know about your boyfriend that his best friend does not
He asks you because he is jealous of you and your boyfriend going on a date. Maybe he wants to ask you out.
get another boyfriend because he is jealous and u don't need that get another boyfriend he is jealous and u don't need that