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5 Miles from where the nuke exploded will be destroyed

10 Miles severe damage

30 Miles is broken glass and some damage

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Q: How big of a range can a nuke destroy?
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An EMP cannot destroy a nuke, but maybe in a glitched match

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A halo ring is a giant weapon designed by the forerunners to destroy all of the galaxy or in other words a big nuke.

Can you destroy a nuke with a killstreak in MW2?

yes!! if u save your emp. which is a 15 killstreak. most people think that an emp is useless but it will destroy a nuke. hoooorah!!!!!!!

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A nuke could destroy a rain forest.

Can 1 nuke destroy the world?

No, 1 single nuke cannot destroy the world but it can still do serious damage, cause huge destructions and can also kill over 3 million people. 12 to 20 nukes can destroy the world!

What does nuke really mean?

Is means to destroy with nuclear weapons. Destroy by using nuclear weapons of mass destruction!

What is the range of nuke?

it matters what launches it not the nuke unless you want the AoE its probaly a citys worth of miles

Can you destroy a tactical nuke in mw2?

well comrade there is no DESTROYING IT even if you did wouldn't it still hit you? i mean its a NUKE not a predator missle[you can destroy a predator missle by shooting at it] but you can avoid a nuke! use a predator missle seconds before it comes and you will avoid it im not saying you wont die i just heard this

What do nukes look like?

nukes look like rockets well big ones.PS DO YOU KNOW HOW A GIANT ROCKET LOOKS LIKE. Did you know that a nuke can destroy THE WHOLE PROVINE OF ONTARIO (APPROX)The nuke is tall as the CN tower(apprx)and the war head is 100 meters tall (approx)

Who as the nuclear bomb that can destroy the human race?

Nobody has a bomb big enough to destroy the earth. The problem is, if one person detonates a nuke, there will be retaliation by other countries. This will lead to nuclear war, and ultimately the extinction of the human race and most other species of animals.

How does a nuke create such a big explosion?

Nuclear weapons are very powerful.

How can you use the nuke in turok evolution ps2?

play 8th level and at the very end you should be able to climb a big tower and the nuke should be on it. after that just go to rocket launcher and press L2 until its on nuke.