Your baby just over 2 inches long and weighs about a half of an ounce which is equivalent to the size of a lime.
The earliest time that the physician could tell the gender of the baby is at least 12 weeks. At 12 weeks the genital tubercule must have started developing already.
If your baby has a strong heartbeat he is likely fine. You just aren't as far along as you thought.
i am 12 weeks pregnant and just found out i have a hernia and the pain is getting worse will it effect the pregnancy i am 12 weeks pregnant and just found out i have a hernia and the pain is getting worse will it effect the pregnancy i am 12 weeks pregnant and just found out i have a hernia and the pain is getting worse will it effect the pregnancy
Why would you think that Pineapple could harm the baby?
it takes 40 weeks for a baby to grow in a womb but if u deliver ur baby before 32 weeks then more likely u r going to have a premature baby i was pregnant and i carried my baby for 38 weeks i had a little boy he was 5lbs and 12 oz
Most women start to feel the baby move around 13 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. If a person is very thin, they may feel it before.
It is not possible to determine the sex by ultrasound until about 19 weeks along. If you do an amniocentesis, you can normally find out around 12 weeks.
Sadly it looks as though your baby has died at some stage and you have not yet completely miscarried. At 12 weeks the baby is still very small but it is fully formed and would be visible.
No not at all, i wouldn't expect your tummy to grow till 10-12 weeks - and it varies at that!!!
When the gestational age of an embryo is 12 weeks, then you are considered 14 weeks pregnant. The first 2 weeks of pregnancy is the week of your last period, followed by the week before your ovulation, therefore, as soon as your egg is fertilized you are already 2 weeks pregnant!
12 weeks
Getting a tattoo while pregnant can be very risky. The chemicals in the ink can affect your baby during the first 12 weeks of pregnancy. The chemicals can be dangerous to the fetus.