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A cord of wood is 4' high X 4' wide X 8' long, so multiply that X 5 or 5 rows 4' high, 4' wide, 8' long.

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Q: How big is 5 cords of wood?
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How many cubic feet in 5 cords of wood?

640 cubic feet

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How many cords of wood will a triaxle truck hold?

8 cords 9 if your lucky

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How many sqft in 5 cords?

how many sq.ft. in 5 cords

How many cords of wood can a dump truck hold?

200 cords of woodI think not. A cord of wood is 4'x4'x8' = 128 cubic feet Dump truck amount depends on if they stack it or just toss it in. At best 3 cords...but usually 2 cords.

How many cords of wood equals one ton of wood pellets?

1 and 1/2 cord

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Big Bad Wood - 2013 Demon Tree 1-5 was released on: USA: November 2013

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Heli-Loggers - 2009 The Big Wood 1-1 was released on: USA: 5 February 2009

How many butt cords in a cord of wood?

I believe it would depend A: the size of the butt, B: the type of wood, and C: whether or not it's raining outside.

What is the origin of the term cherry picking?

A cherry pick is a logging term and it mean 8 to 9 cords of wood.

What is a cord wood measure?

A stere is equal to a cubic meter and is used to measure wood in Europe. A cord, used in the United States, is 4' deep x4' tall x8' long of cut wood. There are 0.276 cords in a stere or, conversely, 3.625 steres in a cord. Most wood burning stoves now take 16" lengths of wood ("cordwood"), so it is common to buy wood for heating and cooking in units of 1/3 cords, 16"x4'x8'--16" being 1/3 of 4' (48").