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they are 3-5 inch's tall

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Q: How big are elf?
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What are elf owl characteristics?

an elf owl has a sharp beak and big eyes

What actors and actresses appeared in Big City Fish - 2000?

The cast of Big City Fish - 2000 includes: Olivia Darzell as Elf Joy Jacobson as Elf Ashley McNulty as Trail Elf Girl Allison Schulnik as Elf Eric Yahnker as Pilot

How tall are elf's?

about the size of mi big ass(70c.m.)

Little people who lure big people away from bona fide trails of gold?

I think it's Leprechauns...

How big is the Elf on the Shelf?

About 1 foot 3 inches. ;-)

Little people who lure big people away from bona fide?

Leprechauns or Elf

How long does it take elf makeup to deliver?

I have experience in ordering makeup off of elf. My experience depended on how big the shippment was. Most of the time it will come within 1-2 weeks

Where do you get the key for HorseIsle 2 pinnacle mountain?

An elf guy who lives in a big tree at deadwood isle.

What is the smallest owl and what is the largest?

The smallest owl is the Elf owl. There are three largest owls, the Great Horned owl, the Eagle owl, and the Great Gray owl.

Song about dueling santa elves?

Wish I could find it! All I recall from the lyrics is (as best as I can recall): "Elf 1: My Monopoly is a real big hit. Elf 2: For a wise old elf you're full of... talk. Both: We're the dueling elves (the dueling elves!)

What actors and actresses appeared in The Best Present - 2012?

The cast of The Best Present - 2012 includes: Brad Bowers as Hunter Buddy Eden Brennan as Sally Mike Eserkaln as Elf One Ali Jankowski as Big Elf Victoria Karst as Santa Craig Knitt as Charlie Grace Kriewaldt as Little Elf Scott Roemaat as Elf Two

How can you write an elf?

You can write to an elf at:ÁlfaskólinnIcelandic Elf SchoolReykjavíkIceland