Nicotine is a deadly poison. However, you can't get enough of it smoking to kill you. The coal tars and carbon monoxide in smoke are far more dangerous to smokers.
Nicotine itself is not especially bad for you, but the other chemicals that go along with smoking AND smokeless tobacco are deadly.
No, the human body does not naturally produce nicotine.
Nicotine is an extremely addictive drug. When smoking, nicotine enters the bloodstream and goes straight to the brain. The brain is the body system that nicotine effects
Does vitamin c help remove nicotine from the body..
of course nicotine is the bad part of smoking...
In the bloodstream.
It's a gum to help someone quit smoking. There are different levels, so that when you finish one level you can go to the next one which will give you a less nicotine until the person chew the gum for the chewing sensation and not for the nicotine. Users are not to smoke while on the gum because they can get very sick from doing that.
Nicotine is one of the many addictions that is bad for you.
Nicotine can be detected in the body of a person who is dead after drinking it in a little amount. Nicotine is not usually drunk but is generally found in tobacco smoke.
The burning of the cigarette is bad. It releases tar into the lungs which will give you an increased chance of getting lung cancer. Tobacco is inside cigarettes, nicotine is an addictive drug found in tobacco. You can overdose on nicotine, but there aren't enough supporting studies to show that nicotine from the tobacco is exactly harmful. Nicotine is not a carcinogen and therefore does not cause cancer.
Nicotine leaves the body primarily through urine, with a small amount also eliminated through sweat, saliva, and breast milk. The liver metabolizes nicotine into cotinine, which is then excreted in the urine.
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